Inclusion of a link here does not imply endorsement by any individual or organization. These sites are included either because I am a member of one of those organization and would like to promote it, or because its inclusion could of interest to others, either in learning more about psychology or in learning about Boca Raton.

Psych Florida Referral Page
A Web Page with Links to referrals to Florida Psychologists

The Florida Society for Clinical Hypnosis
I am a member of FSCH and abide by their code of ethics for the practice of hypnosis.

The Southeast Florida Association For Psychoanalytic Psychology

SEFAPP seeks to promote and develop the art and science of Psychoanalytic Psychology.

Florida Department of Health Care License Look-Up

This offers a search to see if someone is licensed, or to search for a professional in your area. If someone is a licensed health care provider, they can be found on this site.

National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers

The NAPPP is a national professional organization which seeks to promote the professional practice of psychology.

Boca Chamber of Commerce

Boca Raton is a great place to live and to practice. I am a member of the Boca Chamber.

Florida Psychological Association

The FPA is the Florida State Psychological organization.


© 2006 Lawrence Levy